917 Diaries

All about fashion + a little bit of everything else all wrapped into one



February 2014

Shipley & Halmos Pop-Up

Written by , Posted in DESIGN, FASHION, LIFESTYLE

Rapazes, anotem essa dica, porque vocês vão curtir:

A Shipley & Almos está com uma pop-up store super bacana na Canal Street. A marca, conhecida pela pegada cool e por desenvolver e produzir moda masculina, acessórios, materiais de arte e até mesmo móveis estará aberta até o dia 23 de fevereiro apenas. Além dos produtos já conhecidos da marca, eles também desenvolveram souvenirs bem humorados e peças exclusivas para a loja temporária.

Hey boys, write this tip down cause it is a good one:

Shipley & Almos has recently opened a pop-up store at Canal Street. The brand known for its cool approach and for being responsible for developing and producing all their men’s clothing, accessories, art materials and even their furniture, will have the temporary store opened until February 23rd only. They have also created special, limited edition souvenirs for the pop-up. 

Shipley & Halmos Pop-Up
385 Canal St.

Photo: Will Crakes

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