917 Diaries

All about fashion + a little bit of everything else all wrapped into one



June 2013

RetroSpective – Exposição no Museu do Fashion Institute of Technology

Written by , Posted in DESIGN, FASHION

Uma das melhores faculdades de moda aqui de NY é a Fashion Institute of Technology, também conhecida como FIT. Dentro da FIT existe um museu no qual a cada seis meses a faculdade expõe uma pequena coleção sobre a história da moda. No final de maio, começou a exposição que leva o nome RetroSpective. O tema da coleção é sobre a tendência de “emprestar do passado.” Em outras palavras, tudo que vemos hoje no mundo da moda vem de inspirações do passado. A exposição apresenta grandes referências da moda, repetições de silhuetas e peças de grandes estilistas como: Yves Saint Laurent, Vivienne Westwood e Christian Dior.

Para quem não sabe, a FIT tem um conselho de alta costura e assim as grandes marcas doam suas peças para a faculdade. Além do museu, a FIT também possui um laboratório de conservação, espaço de armazenamento, três salas de aula e 30 funcionários dedicado à manutenção e conservação de mais de 50,000 peças de alta costura.

Me inscrevi em um curso na FIT sobre a indústria da moda e tivemos uma aula dentro das salas do museu. Tive oportunidade de ver tudo de perto. Fomos apresentados a um arquivo de um mostruário de peças do ano de 1895 até o ano de 1990. Foi muito emocionante ver de perto as primeiras peças da Chanel, Valentino, Oscar de la Renta e mais alguns grandes nomes no mundo da moda.

 FIT Museum

ReproSpective: Exibition at the Museum at The Fashion Institute of Technology

One of most recognized fashion schools in NY is The Fashion Institute of Technology, also known as FIT. Inside FIT, there is a museum in which every six months the school exhibits a different collection with reference to the history of fashion. The newest exhibition at the museum is called RetroSpective, meaning “borrowing from the past.” In other words, the theme of the collection is about referring to past styles because in fashion everything today is created based on the past. The exhibit carries styles from the past, the repetition of silhouettes, and pieces from great designers like Yves Saint Laurent, Vivienne Westwood, and Christian Dior.

For those who are not familiar, there is a Couture Council at FIT and therefore the big designers donate many of their pieces to the school. Apart from the museum, FIT also has a conservation laboratory, storage space, three classrooms, and 30 employees dedicated only to the maintenance and conservation of over 50,000 couture pieces.

I am currently taking a class at FIT about the fashion industry, and one of our classes was inside the museum classroom. We were presented with an archive of pieces from the year 1895 up until the 1990s. I had the opportunity of seeing all this up-close. It was very exciting to see the first pieces of Chanel, Valentino, Oscar de la Renta, and many other big names from the fashion world. The RetroSpective Exihibition runs until November 16, 2013. Below, some photos.


Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology

7th Avenue at 27 Street


Tuesday-Friday, noon – 8pm

Saturday, 10am-5pm

Closed on Sunday, Monday, and holidays

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