917 Diaries

All about fashion + a little bit of everything else all wrapped into one



August 2013

Minus5 Ice Bar

Written by , Posted in LIFESTYLE

Morar nos Estados Unidos me permitiu viver intensamente as quatro estações do ano. E agora que oficialmente estamos no auge do verão, inaugurou o primeiro bar feito de gelo aqui na cidade para nos refrescar.

Minus5 Ice Bar fica dentro do Hilton Hotel de Midtown. Tudo é feito 100% de gelo canadense, inclusive as paredes, os copos, as cadeiras e até o lustre. A temperatura dentro do bar faz jus ao nome -5 graus. O preço para entrar é de $20.00 e isso da direito as luvas estilo esquimó e uma jaqueta apropriada para a temperatura. As esculturas de gelo do bar vão ser renovadas a cada 6-8 semanas.

O bar também é aberto das 14-19hrs para famílias e crianças e ao anoitecer, vira o local da turma da noite. Minus5 Ice Bar já se instalou em Las Vegas e agora que chegou em Nova York estamos ansiosos para conhecer.

In my years living in the United States, it has been quite an experience being able to live through all four seasons of the year. And now as we approach the peak of the Summer, the first ice bar has opened in the city to cool us off.

Minus5 Ice Bar is located inside the Hilton Hotel in Midtown and it is all made from 100% Canadian ice. Everything inside is also made from ice; including the walls, the glasses, the chairs, and even the chandeliers. The temperature is as its name says: -5 Celsius (23 Fahrenheit). The entrance fee is $20.00 and this includes eskimo-like gloves and a parka appropriate for the freezing temperature. There will also be ice sculptures that will change every 6 to 8 weeks. 

The bar hours will be from 2 to 4pm for families and children, and then open in the later hours for the party crowd. Minus5 is already opened in Las Vegas and now it has finally arrived in New York.


Minus5 Ice Bar

Hilton Midtown

1335 6th Avenue


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