917 Diaries

All about fashion + a little bit of everything else all wrapped into one



October 2013

Empire Biscuit

Written by , Posted in ABOUT, FOOD, LIFESTYLE, TRAVEL

Inaugura amanha no East Village um restaurante que promete deixar bem felizes aqueles que sempre procuram locais para comer que ficam aberto 24 horas: Empire Biscuit.

O lugar, o qual possui uma influencia da culinária do sul dos Estado Unidos, oferecerá os biscuits fresquinhos com opção de vários recheios, entre eles queijo de cabra com manteiga de pimenta do reino, torta de abobora e geleia de abacaxi com tomilho, isso sem contar em uma variedade de 60 tipos de geleias e 40 tipos de manteigas que serão oferecidas de acordo com cada temporada.

E ai, animados para conhecer?

There is a new 24-hour restaurant opening in the East Village tomorrow that will definitely leave a lot of people happy: Empire Biscuit

The place, which has a Southern culinary influence, will offer fresh-baked biscuits with great gourmet spreads such as goat cheese and black pepper butter, pumpkin pie spread, and pineapple and thyme jam. Oh, and they will also offer over 40 seasonal flavored butters and jams.

Are you as excited as I am to try these biscuits?


Empire Biscuit

198 Avenue A. (between 12th and 13th Streets)


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